• notebookcomputer
  • 06/05/2022

Fix: Windows 11 error Kmode Exception not Handled

A common occurrence of the Windows 11 error Kmode Exception not Handled is during the installation of the operating system or immediately after it.

Some users who have successfully installed Windows 11 have reported that they are unable to keep their PC operating for more than 2 minutes before getting a BSoD showing this error on their screen.

Follow along as we will show you how to troubleshoot the Kmode Exception not Handled error in Windows 11, right after we see what could have caused it in the first place.

We’ve put together a list of possible causes of this error, but keep in mind that your specific case might be rendered by others that we have not yet detected:

Now that you are more familiar with the potential causes of the Windows 11 error Kmode Exception not Handled, let’s jump into the list of solutions.

How can I fix the Kmode Exception not Handled error in Windows 11?

Expert Tip: Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.Click here to download and start repairing.

Fix: Windows 11 error Kmode Exception not Handled

We’ve said it before, and we say it again: updating your drivers and taking care of them is really, really important. Thus, we recommend you DriverFix, a specialized tool that automatically updates and solves driver errors.

Protecting your computer from malware and viruses is another important step in ensuring its sound functionality. ESET is a Slovak antivirus software tool that provides high-quality protection against computer threats, which we use and recommend to all of our readers.

Read more about this topic

For more information on BSoD errors, check out our post on what to do if you get a BSoD way too often and you don’t know exactly how to fix it.

As a bonus, you can read about how to fix the Kmode exception not handled error on Windows 10 & 11 in case you need more solutions as it addresses the same issue.

And lastly, take a look at our article on how to fix the dxgmms2.sys error in Windows 11 if you encounter this problem as well during a reboot.

Leave us a message in the comments section below and tell us which solution worked best for you. Thanks for reading!

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:

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