• notebookcomputer
  • 01/03/2023

GTA Vice City cheat codes: Full list of GTA Vice City Cheats for helicopter, money, bikes and more

Grand Theft Auto aka GTA Vice City has numerous cheat codes to enhance gameplay experience.

By team91 -

Grand Theft Auto or GTA Vice City comes with a ton of cheat codes that allow gamers to skip straight to the action, with their favourite weapon, car, armour, and more. We take a look at these cheats here in this article. The GTA Vice City cheat codes (listed below) work on several platform, whether it’s PC, mobile phone, PlayStation, or Xbox. That said, you will need a third-party keyboard to implement Vice City cheats on mobile phones. In case, you are wondering how to download the game on an Android mobile phone and iPhone, check out our GTA Vice City download guide.

Also Read: GTA Vice City download for PC: Easy step-by-step guide, system requirements, and more

Table of Contents

  • GTA Vice City cheats for PC
  • GTA Vice City Cheat Codes for PS3, PS4, PS5
  • GTA Vice City Cheat Codes for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
  • How to use GTA Vice City cheats on PC, PlayStation, Xbox
  • How to use GTA Vice City cheat codes on mobile phone
  • What is GTA Vice City cheat codes?

    GTA Vice City cheats or cheat codes are nothing but codes used by gamers to get an upper hand in the game. They trigger a particular effect or action like restoring character health, elevating to a higher level, and replenishing the ammunition. While several online multiplayer games have banned the use of cheat codes, you can use them in GTA Vice City as it is a single-player experience. Here are some of the most used GTA Vice City cheat codes:

    GTA Vice City cheat codes: Full list of GTA Vice City Cheats for helicopter, money, bikes and more

    GTA Vice City has special cheats to spawn bikes whenever you want. The game has bikes like PCG-600, Freeway, Sanchez, and more. With the following cheats, you can spawn bikes in GTA Vice City on PC:

    GTA Vice City lets you spawn the Hunter helicopter in the PC version using a cheat code. Here’s the cheat code you need to use to get a helicopter:

    Along with this, there are multiple side missions in GTA Vice City, where you need to fly a helicopter. You can get access to these missions by completing the Rub Out and G-Spotlight missions in the game.

    In GTA Vice City, you can spawn multiple fast as well as well-designed cars with the help of cheat codes. Here are the cheat codes for spawning cars in GTA Vice City:

    Although there aren’t any GTA Vice City money cheats, there are certain ways to earn money quicky in the game. For starters, you can purchase all properties in the game for free using FULLCITYPEOPLEMINES cheat code, and then sell some of these properties to earn money quickly. Along with this, the final mission of GTA Vice City campaign, called Keep Your Friends Close, rewards you with $30,000 upon completion.

    GTA Vice City cheats for PC

    Here’s a list of all 60+ GTA Vice City cheat codes that you can use to change your character skin or weather, spawn vehicles, weapons, and more.Also Read: GTA 5 cheats: Full list of GTA 5 cheat codes for PC, PS4, Xbox consoles, and mobile

    ActionGTA Vice City Cheats
    All heavy weaponsNUTTERTOOLS
    All light weaponsTHUGSTOOLS
    Decrease Wanted LevelLEAVEMEALONE
    Girls Carry GunsCHICKSWITHGUNS
    Full HealthASPIRINE
    Ladies Man, Women Follow YouFANNYMAGNET
    Blow up nearby carsBIGBANG
    Cars can flyCOMEFLYWITHME
    Cars can drive/hover over waterSEAWAYS
    ActionGTA Vice City Cheats
    Aggressive DriversMIAMITRAFFIC
    All medium weaponsPROFESSIONALTOOLS
    Stormy WeatherCATSANDDOGS
    Dense CloudsABITDRIEG
    Light Clouds/clearAPLEASANTDAY
    Foggy WeatherCANTSEEATHING
    Play as Hilary KingILOOKLIKEHILARY
    Play as Ken RosenbergMYSONISALAWYER
    Play as Lance VanceLOOKLIKELANCE
    Play as Love Fist character (Dick)WELOVEOURDICK
    Play as Love Fist character (Jezz Torent)ROCKANDROLLMAN
    Play as MercedesFOXYLITTLETHING
    Play as Phil CassidyONEARMEDBANDIT
    Makes Tommy fatterDEEPFRIEDMARSBARS
    All cars are blackIWANTITPAINTEDBLACK
    All cars are pinkAHAIRDRESSERSCAR
    All traffic lights are greenGREENLIGHT
    Raise Wanted LevelAIRSHIP
    Fast boats can fly for short periods of timeONSPEED
    Makes everything slowerBOOOOOORING
    Makes you smoke a cigaretteCERTAINDEATH
    Only the wheels of a car are visibleWHEELSAREALLINEED
    Perfect HandlingGRIPISEVERYTHING
    Shows Media Level (when 2+ stars)CHASESTAT
    Speed up game clockLIFEISPASSINGMEBY
    Sportscars have big wheelsLOADSOFLITTLETHINGS
    Spawn a Bloodring BangerTRAVELINSTYLE
    Spawn a Bloodring Banger #2GETTHEREQUICKLY
    Spawn a Hotring Racer #2GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST
    Spawn a RhinoPANZER
    Spawn a Sabre TurboGETTHEREFAST
    Spawn a Romero’s HearseTHELASTRIDE
    Spawn a TrashmasterRUBBISHCAR
    Spawn Love Fist’s LimoROCKANDROLLCAR

    GTA Vice City Cheat Codes for PS3, PS4, PS5

    GTA Vice City Cheat Codes for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

    How to use GTA Vice City cheats on PC, PlayStation, Xbox

    That said, make sure to save the game before you start using GTA Vice City cheat codes.

    How to use GTA Vice City cheat codes on mobile phone

    The GTA Vice City cheat codes for Android mobile phone and iPhone remains pretty much the same as the PC. However, you can’t enter them directly. While there is a workaround for Android users, iPhone users will have to play the game without cheat codes. Follow these steps to enter GTA Vice City cheats on your Android device:

    You can also download the GTA Vice City cheat codes PDF on your device to save them locally and access them without any internet connection.